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A Dream of the 2030s, 2040s & 2050s

I had an unusual dream on the morning of 29 Oct 2022.

It featured Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, both appearing in ways very specific to me, and was about a vision that Jesus had for the church, also identified as a table (I presume for a feast or meal) that the Holy Spirit invited me to; there were many others at that table who I could not see. With Jesus the critical thing was only seeing, hearing and speaking what the Father and Spirit showed.
The dream them consisted of the image of the bust of a person per decade - each bust got smaller with each successive decade. And things began to appear underneath in the 2040s, and clearly in the 2050s.

Each one also contained a description, detailing the vision of Jesus in the dream for each decade. The words were glorious, and were meant to impact my spirit and be life-transforming.
Tragically, although I immediately woke after, I got too busy clearing memory on my phone to record them instead of just grabbing a pen and paper - although I could sense a waiting, I eventually lost those words. when clearing the phone became more immediately important to me (as a task in itself).
But the general overview is as follows:

2030s no one is in charge - its the leadership of everybody, all the people. And it's positive. 2040s 'Getting down to business' beginning to see real things of the world to come manifested, bought into the now. Part of both. Positive and joyful face. 2050s Transcendent. Things laid out beneath him. He's above it and over it. Rules / authority over but untouched by. Reminds me of the wind and so is everybody was led by the spirit. Very much living with the relationship to the physical world etc that Jesus had.
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